Fresh snow means water for our herd

Last month, the mountains surrounding our ranch got a fresh blanket of snow. I was out in the pasture checking on the cows. They were perfectly lined up, grazing near the pond. The cows themselves were nearly camouflaged, but their reflections stand against the a perfect blue sky.

We truly are grateful to share the beautiful Hot Springs valley with you.

Our smallest ranch hand meets the donkeys

Our smallest ranch hand enjoyed visiting with our two donkeys.

Our donkeys are extremely protective of all the new calves. Their feisty kicks keep the coyotes, and the occasional mountain lion, away from vulnerable newborn calves.

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Clementine (the white one on the right) has been with us for many years. Eeyore (the brown one on the left) is a more recent addition. She joined us with her best friend (Chile the llama) to help Clementine keep up with the official task of Guard Donkey. We’ll introduce you to Chile soon!

Snowy Thanksgiving

We had quite the snow on Thanksgiving morning!

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The pastures at the higher elevations of our ranch had enough snow to completely cover the grass. We brought the cows some extra snacks of alfalfa hay until the snow melted again.

Our ranch is typically just below the snow line, so this snow storm was very unusual for Mountain Home Ranch. We are very grateful for the water that will now slowly soak into our pastures as the snow melts.