What cuts of meat will I get?

Update (August 2022): We no longer sell quarters (only whole and half orders). However, we’re leaving this blog post up to give you an idea of the kinds of cuts you may want in your custom whole/half order.

This post describes the standard “variety package” of cuts you can expect to get when you order a quarter beef. (If you order a half or a whole, you can customize the cuts.)

Every animal is unique, and the total number of pounds you take home will depend on the size of the animal. For simplicity, let’s assume that a quarter beef will yield about 100 lbs. Of those 100 lbs, you would get:

7-8 lbs: Round steak

5 lbs: Sirloin

8 lbs: T-Bones

6-7 lbs: Rib Steak (bone in)

23 lbs: Ground beef/hamburger

17 lbs: Chuck Roast

6 lbs: Arm Roast

2-3 lbs: Rump Roast

3 lbs: Sirloin Tip Roast

5 lbs: Stew Meat

8 lbs: Soup Bones

3-4 lbs: Liver

3 lbs: Brisket

0.5 lbs: Flank Steak

1 lbs: Heart

Please note: all cows are different. This is just an example of one quarter. Yours will be different, but hopefully this blog can give you an idea of what to expect.